Synopsis: “Ride A White Swan” is a euphoric celebration of Marc Bolan and T.Rex. An outrageous music feature film that races glamorously across the 70’s and shows how Marc Bolan conquered the charts and the price he paid.
Marc Bolan died tragically at the age of 29 in a car crash, but his legacy and influence still endure. A spontaneous visionary, a tempestuous, burning talent and a self-destructive genius, Marc Bolan was a flaming star and he continues to inspire.
“Ride A White Swan” is both a celebratory jukebox musical that chronicles the rise and fall of the 70’s biggest star, with all his most famous songs, and a detailed character study of Marc and the three most important loves of his life; June Bolan, Gloria Jones and, arguably, David Bowie.
The film will feature all the Marc Bolan hits that dominated the international charts and will graphically portray how he became the biggest pop star of his age. A blistering jukebox of iconic Number One hits, including “Ride A White Swan”, “Hot Love”, “Jeepster”, “Telegram Sam”, “Metal Guru”, “Get It On”, “Children of The Revolution” and of course “20th Century Boy”.
All of these songs and many more will be re-imagined to provide a sonic canvass to paint Marc’s roller-coaster life. The fight for success, his friendship with David Bowie, the arrival of June Bolan and their painful separation as Marc falls in love with his eventual spiritual soul mate, Gloria Jones. A struggle for love and a fight for recognition. A joyride from beginning to end. A three-way love story, this script covers Marc’s struggle for artistic originality and how it interfaced with the superficiality of fame.
Writer/Director: In discussions
Producers: John Sachs, Ron Scalpello, Andrew Berg
Executive Producer: Nick Stewart
Stage: Script