Synopsis: Urban Hymn follows a troubled teenage girl, Jamie, who possesses an amazing singing voice, and an inspiring and unconventional social worker, Kate, who encourages her to use it.
Writer: Nick Moorcroft
Director: Michael Caton Jones
Cast: Shirley Henderson, Letitia Wright, Ian Hart, Isabella Laughland
Producers: John Sachs, Andrew Berg, Neil Chordia
UK release: September 2016, Available now on Netflix
US release: May 2017
- Festivals and Awards:
Ale Kino! International Young Audience Film Festival winning The Organiser’s Prize; - Giffoni Film Festival (one of the world’s biggest youth festivals held in Italy) winning Golden Gryphon Award;
Selected for the Toronto, Busan, BUFF and Glasgow Film Festivals. - Letitia Wright nominated for Most Promising Newcomer at British Independent Film Award;
- Producers John Sachs and Andrew Berg were also nominated as breakthrough producer of the year;
- Star Letitia Wright has gone on to feature in the Marvel series.
‘Urban Hymn is one of the most beautiful, heartbreaking and tender films of the year. It often hits the high notes perfectly. One of the most memorable cinematic experiences in ages.’ Hey You Guys
Toronto Film Festival Director, Piers Handling, called Urban Hymn “ searing and moving portrait of a pair of disenfranchised teen girls, grounded by a sharp script and sensitive, naturalistic actors”
Urban Hymn was “ heart-warming social realism, with a great couple of lead performances (from Isabella Laughland and Letitia Wright) The Guardian
“ The appeal of Urban Hymn lies in a heartrending, human story that is told with care and concern” Alan Hunter, film critic from Screen International
“hugely refreshing to see a rare British movie whose key cast is almost entirely female, with a rising young black talent as the main star.” Stephen Dalton, from The Hollywood Reporter
“Shirley Henderson gives one of the finest performances of her career as Kate in Urban Hymn” The head of the Glasgow Film Festival
“British tear-jerker which hits all the high notes” The Los Angeles Times
For more details about Eclipse Films growing slate of films and opportunities to get involved, please contact Charles Low on 07872 131315 or email